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  • GG电子官方软件下载的九位教授被任命For客座教授

    阿德里安娜·斯蒂尔教授, 劳拉·戈林, 迪安娜Haunsperger, 朱迪思•霍华德, Baird贾曼, 尼古拉·梅尔维尔, 安妮特Nierobisz, Jeffrey Ondich, 和伊娃Posfay在九月初被任命For捐赠主席.

    2023年9月22日 发布:

    有效的9月. 9位教授被任命ForGG电子官方软件下载的特聘教授. These endowed chairs provide recognition and support For superb educators who help sustain GG电子官方软件下载’s tradition of teaching excellence.


    M. A. 和一个. D. 胡林斯美国研究教授


    阿德里亚娜Estill 是M. A. 和一个. D. 胡林斯美国研究教授, director of American studies, and professor of English. 胡林斯主席是For了纪念胡林斯先生而设立的. 和夫人. Hulings and their belief that this nation’s best young people must come to better understand their American heritage. Estill teaches US Latine studies courses in both the English department and the American studies program, with a particular focus on courses that center US Latine literature and other kinds of Latine cultural production. She has worked with the CCCE and QuIRK to build classes that include community collaborations and quantitative assignments, 并将大部分精力投入到核心美国研究课程的开发上. Estill has led the American studies program through an external review and the planning For a new hire in Indigenous and Native American studies.

    威廉H. 俄语和文科教授


    劳拉·戈林 是威廉·H. 俄语和文科教授 and the chair of German and Russian. 莱尔德主席的荣誉是威廉·H. Laird, lumberman, philanthropist, and member of the GG电子官方软件下载 Board of Trustees from 1883 to 1910. 成立于1962年, it marks four generations of devotion and service to the College by the Laird and Bell families. 除了教俄语的各个层次, Goering has taught courses on topics ranging from Russian modernism to children’s literature to the giants of nineteenth century literature, including popular five-week courses on Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” and Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov.” She was also among the faculty who launched the 欧洲研究 concentration and was instrumental in helping design the senior capstone colloquium.

    约翰·E. 索耶通识教育教授


    迪安娜Haunsperger 是约翰·E. 索耶通识教育教授和数学教授. For期四年的索耶主席是由弗朗西丝. Vincent to 荣誉 a member of the faculty whose skills at mentoring colleagues—whether in teaching, 奖学金, 或对学校的服务反映了高标准. 索耶For自己和别人准备好了. Haunsperger’s teaching has encompassed a variety of courses throughout the math curriculum, but regularly includes Calculus with Problem Solving For students who arrive at GG电子官方软件下载 not quite ready For calculus, Introduction to Mathematical Structures For students considering a future in mathematics, and Methods of Teaching Mathematics For students who are considering being teachers of mathematics or want to hone their abilities to explain mathematical ideas to others.



    朱迪思•霍华德 是雷·舒帕克·内森舞蹈系教授兼戏剧与舞蹈系主任. The purpose of the Rae Schupack Nathan chair in the arts is to 荣誉 and recognize outstanding faculty members whose teaching and service to GG电子官方软件下载 help students discover a passion For and develop their talents in the arts. 霍华德大学提供舞蹈历史和理论课程, 编排, and dance cultures (ethnography and global Forms); codirects the Semaphore Repertory Dance Company; and advises dance majors and minors. Key to her teaching is the emphasis on embodied research that centralizes the body and movement as a mode of inquiry in both creative and academic work. 霍华德设计了与文化相关的教学法, with special emphasis on the Africanist base of American dance history and the inclusion of “absent narratives” like Native American contemporary dance, 还有舞蹈/残疾研究.

    David and Marian Adams Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities


    Baird贾曼 is the David and Marian Adams Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities and professor of art history. 三年的布林-琼斯主席是For了表彰杰出的教学而设立的. Jarman regularly teaches both halves of the art history department’s global surveys of art and 体系结构, but most of his courses focus on the visual and material culture of North America and Europe from the eighteenth through twentieth centuries. His courses emphasize the intersections of social and political history with spheres of cultural production, 比如摄影, 版画, 绘画, 体系结构, 城市设计. 他的许多课程都被计入额外的专业和项目, 包括美国研究, 欧洲研究, 电影及传媒研究, 和其他人.



    尼古拉·梅尔维尔 戴伊家族的音乐教授. The Dye family chair in music was established in 1984 to recognize a faculty member who is a perFormer and teacher. Melville’s teaching is centered around lessons and classes in piano and musical perFormance. 她是键盘部的主管, 哪个是由四个钢琴教员组成的, 每学期定期招收约80名钢琴学生. 除了, 她是室内乐项目的主管, 从整个音乐课程中聘请教师教师, 每学期招收90名学生. 在她的指导下, 这个项目蓬勃发展, 拥抱爵士乐队, 民间, 非西方, 电声, 实验, 电脑, 还有古典音乐. 梅尔维尔还分享了高级表演研讨会的教学, 专For高级学生在表演辅修.

    艾达米. 哈里森社会科学杰出教学教授


    安妮特Nierobisz 是艾达米. 哈里森社会科学杰出教学教授 and professor of sociology. The four-year Harrison chair was designed to recognize excellent teaching on the part of GG电子官方软件下载 faculty and enrich and enhance the teaching of social sciences at GG电子官方软件下载. Nierobisz教授各种课程,从社会学入门到a&I seminar Sociology of COVID-19 to upper-level courses including Growing Up in an Aging Society, 21世纪的工作st 《GG电子手机版下载》. 2020年至2022年, Nierobisz directed the Global Pandemics Program For GG电子官方软件下载’s Summer Liberal Arts Institute; prior to that she taught in the summer Quantitative Reasoning Program.

    Winifred 和一个therton Bean科学、技术和社会教授


    Jeffrey Ondich is the Winifred 和一个therton Bean科学、技术和社会教授 and professor of 电脑 science. 憨豆主席认识到科技提高政治的严重性, 经济, and ethical dilemmas and seeks to place these issues high on the agenda of the College. 除了 to teaching nearly all the courses required For the 电脑 science major, 昂迪奇教授计算机安全课程, 自然语言处理, 移动应用开发, 网络, 操作系统, 数值分析, 计算几何. 他参与设计了计算机科学系的团队竞赛系统, 自2004年以来,他For超过35个竞争团队提供咨询服务.


    Eva Posfay的大头照.

    伊娃Posfay 是1944届的法语和文科教授吗, 法语和法语研究主席, 也是跨文化研究主任. 1944届四年级的主席是For了表彰, 荣誉, and reward a faculty member whose personal qualities and teaching talents enrich the learning experience For GG电子官方软件下载 students well beyond pure academics. Pósfay提供所有级别的法语课程, 自1993年以来, 她一直在巴黎和波城指导GG电子官方软件下载的项目, 法国. Her teaching interests in French and Francophone literature and culture are wide-ranging and include the rewriting of French classics, 旅游文学, 跨国主义, diasporic文学, 现代的巴黎, 和瑞士法语区. 除了欧洲研究, 她还积极从事跨文化研究, 包括通过她的课程, 我对这里也不熟.